
Take your part in spreading and developing authentic Feng Shui!

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The Feng Shui wisdom we use today comes from a time long ago…

and, in ancient times, Feng Shui schools were organised in Tongs. The term Tong originally indicated the building in which the school was located: it could be the Master’s house, or a larger building in capital cities.

But then, it expanded to mean the whole community created over the years around the Master and his business: students, relatives, friends, assistants, customers, suppliers and acquaintances. The Tong was always open for those who sought advice, guidance, a suggestion, an indication, or an actual advisor. The students helped each other, the Master helped the students, and everyone helped the acolytes of the school.

In some cases, it was customary to carry out regular counselling or ‘free assistance’ to wayfarers, who perhaps came from afar to get the right advice and a hot meal.

If he could, the guest would pay back with a small gift,

or he would leave some coins in a sealed red envelope. All red envelopes were collected and opened once a year, on a special day.

If, however, the traveller could not reciprocate at that time, he knew he could still return, because he felt part of that community. The effort and hardship of the journey to the Tong, to receive advice, proved his good faith.

Support Us

If you think about it, things haven’t changed that much nowadays.

If you visited our website, if you read our blog articles, if you found interesting and useful news in our videos, if you read the newsletter, if you attended a meeting, if you are a member of our Community or our confidential Discussion Groups, if you think the work we are doing is valuable, you too are part of our community of research, study and mutual support.

And if you like, you can leave us your ‘red envelope’!

With your red envelope

we can help those seeking information, answers, advice better and faster: for example by publishing new videos, articles and guides, and in many other ways!

We can keep the dissemination of authentic Feng Shui free and independent. We can devote more time to research. We can grow better.

If you also feel part of our community,
or if you believe that ours is an important and worthwhile project to develop,
you can participate with your help. Thank you!

Stefan Vettori, Anna Doro

Kan Yu Feng Shui Academy, founders